

Preaching From The Bible Alone

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All our sermons are based upon our deep rooted belief in the absolute authority of God's Holy Word. Please feel free to share any of these lessons with others whom you think might be encouraged by them.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/21/10 Jehoiada Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM Jehoiada_20100321.mp3 03-21-10PM_Jehoiada.pdf
03/14/10 Opposite Sides Of Eternity Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM OppositeSidesOfEternity_20100314.mp3 03-14-10AM_Opposite_Sides_Of_Eternity.pdf
03/14/10 Believing A Lie Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM Believing_A_Lie_20100314.mp3 03-14-10PM_Believing_A_Lie.pdf
03/07/10 What Satan Wants Me To Think Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM WhatSatanWantsMeToThink.wmv WhatSatanWantsMeToThink.mp3 03-07-10AM_What_Satan_Wants_Me_To_Think.pdf
02/28/10 Elijah's Victory Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM 02-28-10AM_Elijah's_Victory.pdf ElijahsVictory_20100228.mp3
02/28/10 Elijah's Discouragement Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM ElijahsDiscouragement_20100228.mp3 02-28-10PM_Elijah's_Discouragement.pdf
02/21/10 The Hands Of Jesus Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM JesusHands_20100221.mp3 02-21-10AM_The_Hands_of_Jesus.pdf
02/21/10 Jesus Calms The Storm Shawn Briggs Sermon (none) Sun PM JesusCalmsTheStorm_20100221.mp3
02/14/10 The Tears Of Jesus Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM 02-14-10AM_The_Tears_of_Jesus.pdf JesusTears_20100214.mp3
02/14/10 The Voice Of Jesus Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM JesusVoice_20100214.mp3 02-14-10PM_The_Voice_of_Jesus.pdf
02/07/10 Agape Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM Agape_20100207.mp3 02-07-10AM_Agape.pdf
01/31/10 Jesus' Suffering In John 18 Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM John18_20100131.mp3 01-31-10AM_Jesus'_Sufferings_In_John_18.pdf
01/31/10 John's Goal For The Christian Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM JohnsGoalForTheChristian_20100131.mp3 01-31-10PM_John's_Goal.pdf
01/24/10 Godliness Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM 01-24-10AM_Godliness.pdf Godliness_20100124.mp3
01/24/10 Be Still My Soul Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM 01-24-10PM_Be_Still_My_Soul.pdf BeStillMySoul_20100124.mp3
01/17/10 What Is Heaven? Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM WhatIsHeaven_20100117.mp3 01-17-10AM_What_Is_Heaven.pdf
01/17/10 King Asa Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM KingAsa_20100117.mp3 01-17-10PM_King_Asa.pdf
01/10/10 Time Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM Time_20100110.mp3 01-10-10AM_Time.pdf
01/10/10 The Need For A Final Judgment Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM NeedForFinalJudgement_20100110.mp3 01-10-10PM_The_Need_For_The_Final_Judgment.pdf
01/03/10 A Doer's Mindset Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM 01-03-10AM_A_Doers_Mindset.pdf DoersMindset_20100103.mp3

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