

Preaching From The Bible Alone

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All our sermons are based upon our deep rooted belief in the absolute authority of God's Holy Word. Please feel free to share any of these lessons with others whom you think might be encouraged by them.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/25/12 Our Three Great Loves Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM 11-25-12PM_Our Three Great Loves.pdf 20121125-PM.Our Three Great Loves.wmv 20121125-PM.Our Three Great Loves.mp4 20121125-PM.Our Three Great Loves.mp3
11/25/12 Who Is A Christian? Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 20121125-AM.Who Is A Christian.wmv 20121125-AM.Who Is A Christian.mp3 20121125-AM.Who Is A Christian.mp4
11/18/12 While Men Slept Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM 20121118-PM.While Men Slept.wmv 20121118-PM.While Men Slept.mp4 20121118-PM.While Men Slept.mp3
11/18/12 Enter With Thanksgiving Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 20121118-AM.Enter With Thanksgiving.mp3 20121118-AM.Enter With Thanksgiving.mp4 20121118-AM.Enter With Thanksgiving.wmv
11/11/12 Mending Nets Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM 20121111-PM.Mending Nets.wmv 20121111-PM.Mending Nets.mp3 20121111-PM.Mending Nets.mp4
11/04/12 Perspectives Of The Second Coming Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 11-04-12AM_Perspectives Of The Second Coming.pdf 20121104-AM.Perspectives Of The Second Coming.mp4 20121104-AM.Perspectives Of The Second Coming.mp3 20121104-AM.Perspectives Of The Second Coming.wmv
10/28/12 Christianity: A Blind Leap? Pt2 Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun PM Christianity, A Blind Leap.pptx 20121028-PM.Christianity A Blind Leap.Part2.mp4 20121028-PM.Christianity A Blind Leap.Part2.wmv 20121028-PM.Christianity A Blind Leap.Part2.mp3
10/28/12 Christianity: A Blind Leap? Pt1 Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun AM Christianity, A Blind Leap-1365047956.pptx 20121028-AM.Christianity A Blind Leap.Part1.mp3 20121028-AM.Christianity A Blind Leap.Part1.mp4 20121028-AM.Christianity A Blind Leap.Part1.wmv
10/21/12 I Believed, Therefore I Spoke Caleb Westbrook Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 20121021-PM.I Believed, Therefore I Spoke.Part2.wmv 20121021-PM.I Believed, Therefore I Spoke.Part2.mp4 20121021-PM.I Believed, Therefore I Spoke.Part1.wmv 20121021-PM.I Believed, Therefore I Spoke.Part1.mp4 20121021-PM.I Believed, Therefore I Spoke.mp3
10/21/12 You Who Say... Shane Millard Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 20121021-AM.You Who Say.wmv 20121021-AM.You Who Say.mp4 20121021-AM.You Who Say.mp3
10/20/12 The Word Fitly Spoken Zack Fisk Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 20121020_The Word Fitly Spoken.Part2.mp4 20121020_The Word Fitly Spoken.Part2.wmv 20121020_The Word Fitly Spoken.Part1.wmv 20121020_The Word Fitly Spoken.Part1.mp4 20121020_The Word Fitly Spoken.mp3
10/19/12 Be Angry... But Sin Not? Brady Cook Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 20121019_Be Angry But Sin Not.wmv 20121019_Be Angry But Sin Not.mp4 20121019_Be Angry But Sin Not.mp3
10/14/12 Blessed Assurance Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM 10-14-12PM_Blessed Assurance.pdf 20121014-PM.Blessed Assurance.wmv 20121014-PM.Blessed Assurance.mp3 20121014-PM.Blessed Assurance.mp4
10/14/12 Jason’s Worthy House Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 10-14-12AM_Jason.pdf 20121014-AM.Jason’s Worthy House.wmv 20121014-AM.Jason’s Worthy House.mp4 20121014-AM.Jason’s Worthy House.mp3
10/07/12 Last Words Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun AM Last Words.pptx 20121007-AM.Last Words.mp3 20121007-AM.Last Words.mp4 20121007-AM.Last Words.wmv
09/30/12 Measure Your Faith Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 09-30-12AM_Measure Your Faith.pdf 20120930-AM.Measure Your Faith.wmv 20120930-AM.Measure Your Faith.mp4 20120930-AM.Measure Your Faith.mp3
09/23/12 What It Takes To Labor For The Lord Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM 09-23-12PM_Laboring For The Lord.pdf 20120923-PM.What It Takes To Labor For The Lord.wmv 20120923-PM.What It Takes To Labor For The Lord.mp4 20120923-PM.What It Takes To Labor For The Lord.mp3
09/23/12 What Adam And Eve Looked Like Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 09-23-12AM_What Did Adam and Eve Look Like.pdf 20120923-AM.What Adam And Eve Looked Like.wmv 20120923-AM.What Adam And Eve Looked Like.mp4 20120923-AM.What Adam And Eve Looked Like.mp3
09/16/12 This One Thing Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun PM This One Thing(Update).pptx 20120916-PM.This One Thing.wmv 20120916-PM.This One Thing.mp4 20120916-PM.This One Thing.mp3
09/16/12 What A Centurion Saw Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 09-16-12AM_What A Centurion Saw.pdf 20120916-AM.What A Centurion Saw.mp4 20120916-AM.What A Centurion Saw.wmv 20120916-AM.What A Centurion Saw.mp3

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