

Preaching From The Bible Alone

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All our sermons are based upon our deep rooted belief in the absolute authority of God's Holy Word. Please feel free to share any of these lessons with others whom you think might be encouraged by them.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/20/15 The Church’s Role In Training Children Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151220-AM.The_Churchs_Role_In_Training_Children.mp4 20151220-AM.The_Churchs_Role_In_Training_Children.mp3 12-20-15AM_What_Is_The_Churchs_Role_In_Training_Children.pdf
12/13/15 Calvinism: Through The Eyes Of Paul (2) Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun PM Calvinism_-_Through_the_Eyes_of_Paul_2.pdf 20151213-PM.Calvinism_Through_The_Eyes_Of_Paul_2.mp4 20151213-PM.Calvinism_Through_The_Eyes_Of_Paul_2.mp3
12/13/15 God Given Increase Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151213-AM.God_Given_Increase.mp3 12-13-15AM_God_Given_Increase.pdf 20151213-AM.God_Given_Increase.mp4
12/06/15 Calvinism: Through The Eyes Of Paul (1) Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151206-AM.Calvinism_Through_The_Eyes_Of_Paul.mp4 20151206-AM.Calvinism_Through_The_Eyes_Of_Paul.mp3 Calvinism_-_Through_the_Eyes_of_Paul.pdf
11/29/15 Frustrating God’s Law Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151129-AM.Frustrating_Gods_Law.mp4 20151129-AM.Frustrating_Gods_Law.mp3 11-29-15AM_Frustrating_Gods_Law.pdf
11/29/15 Taming The Tongue Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun PM 20151129-PM.Taming_The_Tongue.mp3 20151129-PM.Taming_The_Tongue.mp4 TAMING_THE_TONGUE.pdf
11/22/15 Demonstrating Gratitude Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM 20151122-PM.Demonstrating_Gratitude.mp4 20151122-PM.Demonstrating_Gratitude.mp3 11-22-15PM_Demonstrating_Gratitude.pdf
11/22/15 The Deceitfulness of Sin Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151122-AM.The_Deceitfulness_of_Sin.mp4 20151122-AM.The_Deceitfulness_of_Sin.mp3
11/15/15 Too Far To Return Eddie Caskey Sermon Back To The Basics Sun PM 20151115-PM.Too_Far_To_Return.mp4 20151115-PM.Too_Far_To_Return.mp3 11-15-15PM_Too_Far_To_Return.pdf
11/15/15 Steadfast…Like Jesus Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151115-AM.Steadfast_Like_Jesus.mp4 20151115-AM.Steadfast_Like_Jesus.mp3 11-15-15AM_Steadfast.pdf
11/08/15 Refined Like Silver Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM 20151108-PM.Refined_Like_Silver.mp4 20151108-PM.Refined_Like_Silver.mp3 11-08-15PM_Refined_Like_Silver.pdf
11/08/15 In The Day Of Trouble Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151108-AM.In_The_Day_Of_Trouble.mp4 20151108-AM.In_The_Day_Of_Trouble.mp3 IN_THE_DAY_OF_TROUBLE.pdf
11/01/15 Giving The Bible A Fresh Look Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151101-AM.Giving_The_Bible_A_Fresh_Look.mp4 20151101-AM.Giving_The_Bible_A_Fresh_Look.mp3 11-01-15AM_Giving_The_Bible_A_Fresh_Look.pdf
10/25/15 With Knowledge Comes Sorrow Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM 20151025-PM.With_Knowledge_Comes_Sorrow.mp4 20151025-PM.With_Knowledge_Comes_Sorrow.mp3 10-25-15PM_With_Knowledge_Comes_Sorrow.pdf
10/25/15 In The Flesh Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151025-AM.In_The_Flesh.mp4 20151025-AM.In_The_Flesh.mp3 10-25-15IN_THE_FLESH.pdf
10/18/15 Hedonism Eddie Caskey Sermon Back To The Basics Sun PM 20151018-PM.Hedonism.mp4 20151018-PM.Hedonism.mp3 10-18-15PM_Hedonism.pdf
10/18/15 Seeking Wise Counsel Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151018-AM.Seeking_Wise_Counsel.mp4 20151018-AM.Seeking_Wise_Counsel.mp3 10-18-15AM_Seeking_Wise_Counsel.pdf
10/11/15 Waging War: The Spirit Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun PM 20151011-PM.Waging_War_The_Spirit.mp4 20151011-PM.Waging_War_The_Spirit.mp3 WAGING_WAR_-_THE_SPIRIT.pdf
10/11/15 Waging War: The Flesh Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun AM WAGING_WAR_-_THE_FLESH.pdf 20151011-AM.Waging_War_The_Flesh.mp4 20151011-AM.Waging_War_The_Flesh.mp3
10/04/15 Know Fear? Shawn Briggs Sermon N/A Sun AM 20151004-AM.Fear_Him.mp3 KNOW_FEAR.pdf 20151004-AM.Fear_Him.mp4

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