

Preaching From The Bible Alone

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All our sermons are based upon our deep rooted belief in the absolute authority of God's Holy Word. Please feel free to share any of these lessons with others whom you think might be encouraged by them.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/15/23 Introduction To Holiness Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Introduction_To_Holiness-A-ZSI0uHSQw.mp3 01-15-23AM_Introduction_To_Holiness.pdf
01/08/23 Make This Valley Full Of Ditches Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Make_This_Valley_Full_Of_Ditches-C4ZRVWM_mt4.mp3 01-08-23AM_Make_This_Valley_Full_Of_Ditches.pdf
01/01/23 Pressing Toward The Goal Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Pressing_Toward_The_Goal-kJNlIhah5ug.mp3 01-01-23AM_Pressing_Toward_The_Goal.pdf
12/25/22 Unclean Bobby McKee Sermon N/A Sun PM Unclean-AMlrruXc6ZQ.mp3 12-25-22PM_Unclean_Bobby_McKee-compressed.pdf
12/25/22 What Can You Do In 2023? Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM What_Can_You_Do_In_2023-puscWXguYO4.mp3 12-25-22AM_What_Can_You_Do_In_2023.pdf
12/18/22 Will We Remember One Another In Heaven? Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM Will_We_Remember_One_Another_In_Heaven-_TxCPsgjWUk.mp3 12-18-22PM_Will_We_Remember_One_Another_In_Heaven.pdf
12/18/22 What Have They Seen In Your House? Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM What_Have_They_Seen_In_Your_House-Z4snYZLqNpo.mp3 12-18-22AM_What_Have_They_Seen_In_Your_House.pdf
12/11/22 The Sin Of Compromise Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Sin_Of_Compromise-qjOM6kFecGE.mp3 12-11-22PM_The_Sin_Of_Compromise.pdf
12/11/22 Showdown On Mount Carmel Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Showdown_On_Mount_Carmel-ph8Rrr5tgTQ.mp3 12-11-22AM_Showdown_On_Mount_Caramel.pdf
12/04/22 Through Christ I Can Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Through_Christ_I_Can-o0zbm14hiQk.mp3 12-04-22AM_Through_Christ_I_Can.pdf
11/27/22 Milk Shane Kirkpatrick Sermon N/A Sun PM Milk-LrknbbMvw1I.mp3 11-27-22PM_Milk_Shane_Kirkpatrick.pdf
11/27/22 Slaves To Sin Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Slaves_to_Sin-qC7_y30v1eA.mp3 11-27-22AM_Slaves_To_Sin.pdf
11/20/22 The Lord Can Save By Many Or By Few Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Lord_Can_Save_By_Many_Or_By_Few-Lu31vM_Um9g.mp3 11-20-22AM_The_Lord_Can_Save_By_Many_Or_By_Few.pdf
11/20/22 The Day Of The Lord Will Come Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Day_Of_The_Lord_Will_Come-qo724CHVTh0.mp3 11-20-22PM_The_Day_Of_The_Lord_Will_Come.pdf
11/13/22 The Sinner’s Prayer Bob Rogerson Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Sinners_Prayer-eKo2MfN3-2Y.mp3 11-13-22PM_The_Sinners_Prayer_Bob_Rogerson.pdf
11/13/22 Overcoming the World Through Submission Josh Keith Sermon N/A Sun AM Overcoming_the_World_Through_Submission-QCfj9R6pipQ.mp3 11-13-22AM_Overcoming_The_World_Through_Submission_Joshua_Keith.pdf
11/06/22 Defeating The World Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Defeating_The_World-BJ9PO-ogSOA.mp3 11-05-22AM_Defeating_The_World.pdf
10/30/22 Me? Worry? Mark Ledbetter Sermon N/A Sun PM Me_Worry-jLlca8avIYU.mp3
10/23/22 Perseverance Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Perseverance-JlW1mZKhMgA.mp3 10-23-22AM_Perseverance.pdf
10/16/22 The Parable Of The Soils Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Parable_Of_The_Soils-2jtFF0Mi9xs.mp3 10-16-22AM_Parable_Of_The_Soils.pdf

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