

Preaching From The Bible Alone

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All our sermons are based upon our deep rooted belief in the absolute authority of God's Holy Word. Please feel free to share any of these lessons with others whom you think might be encouraged by them.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/26/23 The Only Way Home Brad Wells Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Only_Way_Home-i-2cj3AY1HY.mp3 03-26-23PM_The_Only_Way_Home_Brad_Wells.pdf
03/26/23 Ahaz’s Great New Altar Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Ahazs_Great_New_Altar-hf25JSknpeI.mp3 03-26-23AM_Ahazs_Great_New_Altar.pdf
03/19/23 Jesus Heals A Leper Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM Jesus_Heals_A_Leper-HBdCmEciNIs.mp3 03-19-23PM_Jesus_Heals_A_Leper.pdf
03/19/23 Pray & Do Not Lose Heart Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Pray__Do_Not_Lose_Heart-2xSAxcCRMx8.mp3 03-19-23AM_Pray__Dont_Lose_Heart.pdf
03/12/23 The Love, Mercy, & Grace Of A Holy God Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Love_Mercy__Grace_Of_A_Holy_God-fzFHOkBUym4.mp3 03-12-23PM_The_Love_Mercy__Grace_Of_A_Holy_God.pdf
03/12/23 Jesus’ Victory Over The Fear Of Death Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Jesus_Victory_Over_The_Fear_Of_Death-srwAhkN7MGY.mp3 03-12-23AM_Jesus_Victory_Over_The_Fear_Of_Death.pdf
03/05/23 We Died With Christ Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM We_Died_With_Christ-TyBuPdJHUDM.mp3 03-05-23AM_We_Died_With_Christ.pdf
02/26/23 Casting Out The Leprosy Stones Derrick Clausen Sermon N/A Sun PM Casting_Out_The_Leprosy_Stones-ZiRxr3d5c1U.mp3 02-26-23PM_Casting_Out_The_Leprosy_Stones_Derrick_Clausen.pdf
02/26/23 Divided We Fall Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Divided_We_Fall-VJNqChFCySA.mp3 02-26-23AM_Divided_We_Fall.pdf
02/19/23 Seeing & Serving A Holy God Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM Seeing__Serving_A_Holy_God-CYcnNQWbzkc.mp3 02-19-23PM_Seeing__Serving_A_Holy_God.pdf
02/19/23 Come And Let Us Build The Wall Of Jerusalem Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Come_And_Let_Us_Build_The_Wall_Of_Jerusalem-kfKtFfuVBTE.mp3 02-19-23AM_Come_And_Let_Us_Build_The_Wall_Of_Jerusalem.pdf
02/12/23 Be Strong In The Lord Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Be_Strong_In_The_Lord-A_0_Z6tCw3U.mp3 02-12-23AM_Be_Strong_In_The_Lord.pdf
02/08/23 Why Does God Say No, Pt 6 Kris Emerson Gospel Meeting Grace - Faith - Life Gospel Meeting Why_Does_God_Say_No_Pt_6-HVPlyre1oUc.mp3 02-08-23_Why_Does_God_Say_No.pdf
02/07/23 Relationships, Pt 5 Kris Emerson Gospel Meeting Grace - Faith - Life Gospel Meeting Relationships_Pt_5-nz6JXdwDbcA.mp3 02-07-23_G_to_F_to_L_-_Relationships.pdf
02/06/23 Setting Your Attitude, Pt 4 Kris Emerson Gospel Meeting Grace - Faith - Life Gospel Meeting Setting_Your_Attitude_Pt_4-lc4x8Oovrqg.mp3 02-06-23_Setting_Your_Attitude.pdf
02/05/23 Limitless Faith, Pt 3 Kris Emerson Gospel Meeting Grace - Faith - Life Gospel Meeting Limitless_Faith_Pt_3-1ZWUfGFOW5I.mp3 02-05-23PM_Limitless_Faith.pdf
02/05/23 Grace To Faith To Life, Pt 2 Kris Emerson Gospel Meeting Grace - Faith - Life Gospel Meeting Grace_To_Faith_To_Life_Pt_2-9vUtw9tVzHI.mp3 02-05-23AM_Grace_to_Faith_to_Life.pdf
02/05/23 Salvation by Grace, Pt 1 Kris Emerson Gospel Meeting Grace - Faith - Life Gospel Meeting Salvation_by_Grace_Pt_1-CIcOLXOOrhM.mp3 02-05-23_Class_Salvation_by_Grace_-_Bassford.pdf
01/29/23 This Is Our Wisdom Bill Fairchild Sermon N/A Sun PM This_Is_Our_Wisdom-YJN8GLypwjk.mp3 01-29-23PM_This_Is_Our_Wisdom_Bi.pdf
01/29/23 Bringing Holiness To Maturity Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Bringing_Holiness_To_Maturity-6rX9Rh9QDPs.mp3 01-29-23AM_Bringing_Holiness_To_Maturity.pdf

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