

Preaching From The Bible Alone

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All our sermons are based upon our deep rooted belief in the absolute authority of God's Holy Word. Please feel free to share any of these lessons with others whom you think might be encouraged by them.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/09/10 How To Love Your Mother Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM HowToLoveYourMother_20100509.mp3 05-09-10AM_Seven_Ways_To_Love_Mother.pdf
05/09/10 Sculpting Daughters Into Pillars Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM SculptingDaughtersIntoPillars_20100509.mp3 05-09-10PM_Sculpturing_Dauthers_Into_Pillars.pdf
05/02/10 What God Says In The Gospel Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM WhatGodSaysIntheGospel_20100502.mp3 05-02-10AM_What_God_Says_In_The_Gospel.pdf
04/25/10 Respect For The Church Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM RespectForTheChurch_20100425.mp3 04-25-10AM_Why_We_Respect_The_Church.pdf
04/25/10 Respect For God Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM 04-25-10PM_Respect_For_God.pdf RespectForGod_20100425.mp3
04/18/10 Mephibosheth Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM Mephibosheth_20100418.mp3 04-18-10AM_Mephibosheth.pdf
04/18/10 Paul's Brother Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM PaulsBrother_20100418.mp3 04-18-10PM_Epaphroditus.pdf
04/11/10 Teaching Our Kids The Bible Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM TeachingOurKidsTheBible_20100411.mp3 04-11-10AM_Teaching_Our_Children.pdf
04/11/10 Private Devotions Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM PrivateDevotions_20100411.mp3 04-11-10PM_Private_Devotions.pdf
04/04/10 Biblical Examples Of Conversion Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM 04-04-10AM_Conversion_Examples.pdf ConversionExamples_20100404.mp3
03/28/10 What God Saw In Paul Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM WhatGodSawInPaul_20100328.mp3 03-28-10AM_What_God_Saw_In_Paul.pdf
03/28/10 Institutionalism Ron Schmittou Sermon A Study From The Elders Sun PM Institutionalism_20100328.mp3
03/21/10 Looking Upon The Cross Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM LookingUponTheCross_20100321.mp3 03-21-10AM_Looking_Upon_The_Cross.pdf
03/21/10 Jehoiada Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM Jehoiada_20100321.mp3 03-21-10PM_Jehoiada.pdf
03/14/10 Opposite Sides Of Eternity Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM 03-14-10AM_Opposite_Sides_Of_Eternity.pdf OppositeSidesOfEternity_20100314.mp3
03/14/10 Believing A Lie Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM 03-14-10PM_Believing_A_Lie.pdf Believing_A_Lie_20100314.mp3
03/07/10 What Satan Wants Me To Think Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM WhatSatanWantsMeToThink.wmv WhatSatanWantsMeToThink.mp3 03-07-10AM_What_Satan_Wants_Me_To_Think.pdf
02/28/10 Elijah's Victory Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM ElijahsVictory_20100228.mp3 02-28-10AM_Elijah's_Victory.pdf
02/28/10 Elijah's Discouragement Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM ElijahsDiscouragement_20100228.mp3 02-28-10PM_Elijah's_Discouragement.pdf
02/21/10 The Hands Of Jesus Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM 02-21-10AM_The_Hands_of_Jesus.pdf JesusHands_20100221.mp3

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