

Preaching From The Bible Alone

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All our sermons are based upon our deep rooted belief in the absolute authority of God's Holy Word. Please feel free to share any of these lessons with others whom you think might be encouraged by them.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/29/10 Who We Are…(Part II) Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM WhoWeArePt2_20100829.mp3
08/22/10 Are You Ready For Class? Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM AreYouReady_20100822.mp3
08/22/10 Moses’ Costly Decision Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM MosesCostlyDecision_20100822.mp3
08/15/10 How Much Do You Love God? Shane Millard Sermon (none) Sun AM HowMuchDoYouLoveGod_20100815.mp3
08/15/10 Let’s Be Decisive Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM LetsBeDecisive_20100815.mp3
08/08/10 A God Beyond Compare Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM AGodBeyondCompare_20100808.mp3
08/08/10 God’s Powerful Word Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM GodsPowerfulWord_20100808.mp3
08/01/10 "By This Time…" Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM ByThisTime_20100801.mp3
07/25/10 Examining Ourselves Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM ExaminingOurselves_20100725.mp3
07/25/10 How To Rise Above Discouragement Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM HowToRiseAboveDiscouragement_20100725.mp3
07/18/10 The Hardest Man To Kill Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM HardestManToKill_20100718.mp3
07/18/10 Discipleship Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM Discipleship_20100718.mp3
07/11/10 The Sifter Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM TheSifter_20100711.mp3
07/11/10 Dangerous Assumptions Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM DangerousAssumptions_20100711.mp3
07/04/10 Joseph Of Arimathea Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM JosephOfArimathea_20100704.mp3
06/27/10 Noah Kyle Hammock Sermon Member's Lesson Sun AM Noah_20100627.mp3
06/27/10 Does Jesus Care? Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM DoesJesusCare_20100627.mp3 06-27-10PM_Does_Jesus_Care.pdf
06/20/10 The Father's Choice Of A Father Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun AM FathersChoiceOfAFather_20100620.mp3 06-20-10AM_The_Father's_Choice_Of_A_Father.pdf
06/20/10 Like Arrows In The Hand Of A Warrior Eddie Caskey Sermon (none) Sun PM LikeArrowsInTheHandOfAWarrior_20100620.mp3 06-20-10PM_Like_Arrows_In_The_Hand_Of_A_Warrior.pdf
06/13/10 The Woman At The Well Paul Kelsey Sermon Member's Lesson Sun AM WomanAtTheWell_20100613.mp3

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