

Preaching From The Bible Alone

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All our sermons are based upon our deep rooted belief in the absolute authority of God's Holy Word. Please feel free to share any of these lessons with others whom you think might be encouraged by them.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/06/22 Defeating The World Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Defeating_The_World-BJ9PO-ogSOA.mp3 11-05-22AM_Defeating_The_World.pdf
10/30/22 Me? Worry? Mark Ledbetter Sermon N/A Sun PM Me_Worry-jLlca8avIYU.mp3
10/23/22 Perseverance Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Perseverance-JlW1mZKhMgA.mp3 10-23-22AM_Perseverance.pdf
10/16/22 What Jesus Saw In Martha Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM What_Jesus_Saw_In_Martha-L3SWYEaAz8Q.mp3 10-16-22PM_What_Jesus_Saw_In_Martha.pdf
10/16/22 The Parable Of The Soils Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Parable_Of_The_Soils-2jtFF0Mi9xs.mp3 10-16-22AM_Parable_Of_The_Soils.pdf
10/09/22 In The Case Of An Emergency Patrick Speights Sermon N/A Sun PM In_The_Case_Of_An_Emergency-cP08GzcMwmw.mp3 10-09-22PM_In_The_Case_Of_An_Emergency_Patrick_Speights.pdf
10/09/22 Job’s Faith In The Line Of Fire Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Jobs_Faith_In_The_Line_Of_Fire-V76rvl0NyIQ.mp3 10-09-22AM_Jobs_Faith_In_The_Line_Of_Fire.pdf
10/02/22 God Gives Us The Victory Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM God_Gives_Us_The_Victory-26Q5QaI9wgc.mp3 10-02-22AM_God_Gives_Us_The_Victory.pdf
09/28/22 The Missing Link to Maturity (Part 6) Jacob Hudgins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Missing_Link_to_Maturity_Part_6-0YoRjXtTfFs.mp3 09-28-22_The_Missing_Link_to_Maturity.pdf
09/27/22 Can These Bones Live? (Part 5) Jacob Hudgins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting Can_These_Bones_Live_Part_5-uuswUSFCAQQ.mp3 09-27-22_Can_These_Bones_Live.pdf
09/26/22 The Beauty of Boundaries (Part 4) Jacob Hudgins Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting The_Beauty_of_Boundaries_Part_4-6I2DFgC-Tfo.mp3 09-26-22_The_Beauty_of_Boundaries.pdf
09/25/22 No Christian Is An Island (Part 1) Jacob Hudgins Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM No_Christian_Is_An_Island_Part_1-idTlmpMswis.mp3 09-25-22AM1CLASS_No_Christian_is_an_Island.pdf
09/25/22 The Mirror First (Part 3) Jacob Hudgins Gospel Meeting N/A Sun PM The_Mirror_First_Part_3-d1wSSe8FIDQ.mp3 09-25-22PM_The_Mirror_First.pdf
09/25/22 Jesus Ties It All Together (Part 2) Jacob Hudgins Gospel Meeting N/A Sun AM Jesus_Ties_It_All_Together_Part_2-AAU3UyIlZlU.mp3 09-25-22AM2_Jesus_Ties_It_All_Together.pdf
09/18/22 Wrestling With God Kyle Goodwin Sermon N/A Sun PM Wrestling_With_God-etCA4wOhL6E.mp3 09-18-22PM_WRESTLING_WITH_GOD_Kyle_Goodwin.pdf
09/18/22 Choosing Life Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Choosing_Life-JCJ-Z2sPqjA.mp3 09-18-22AM_Choosing_Life.pdf
09/11/22 Overcoming Temptation Like Jesus Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun PM Overcoming_Temptation_Like_Jesus-OfP-safJsuw.mp3 09-11-22PM_Overcoming_Temptation_Like_Jesus.pdf
09/11/22 Hallelujah Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Hallelujah-ikEa2O60gaI.mp3 09-11-22AM_Hallelujah.pdf
09/04/22 Unity Eddie Caskey Sermon N/A Sun AM Unity-4d2deJisbzw.mp3 09-04-22AM_Unity.pdf
08/28/22 A Christian’s Duty Mike King Sermon N/A Sun PM A_Christians_Duty-JWYf1H5VWU4.mp3 08-28-22PM_A_Christians_Duty_Mike_King.pdf

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